Alain Patterson Couture: Nashville’s Best Kept Secret
When I heard about Alain Patterson several months ago, I was told that he was a couture designer who also happens to works for Gibson Guitars. So, I did some research and sure enough, I found his website Simultaneously excited and confused, I couldn’t understand why I had not heard of Alain before. I could tell immediately from his website that his talent was of the caliber that one would expect to find in Paris or Milan, but Nashville?
Apparently, Alain has been Nashville’s best kept fashion secret for quite some time. I have a feeling that this is about to change in a VERY BIG way!
With all of the events coming up such as Nashville’s Steeplechase and Louisville’s Kentucky Derby, I thought the timing was perfect to talk to Alain and find out more about him and his millinery. Alain was kind enough to take time out of his very busy schedule to meet with me on Sunday, April 10th 2011.
Originally from Greenville, SC, Alain studied Fashion Design at A.I.U.(American InterContinental University) in Atlanta, GA. Shortly after graduating from the Fashion Design Program, Alain chose to move to Nashville, TN to be closer to family and pursue his design career. Alain’s love for design was evident from a very young age and blossomed during his college years. He has been making couture clothing since 1988, and in 2007, he began making his amazing couture hats.
After chatting a bit, Alain showed me some of his hats. He actually brought several different hats as well as a couple of “fascinators”. The fascinators are not full sized hats. They are smaller head adornments that fasten to the hair with a type of comb.
These goregeous, floral inspired hats and fascinators are part of Alain’s Le Jardin de Julia collection. An ode to Alain’s mother who loves hats and gardening, these pieces are amazing works of art!
After seeing his hats in person, I have an even greater appreciation for Alain’s talent. I asked him about the process of making each hat, how long it takes, and whether or not he sketches his designs first. According to Alain, the process of creating each hat takes approximately two weeks depending on the complexity of the design. Alain does all of the work himself, by hand, and he uses only silk fabric for his hats. He usually starts with a general idea and lets the idea evolve and come to life as he goes. He designs more traditional, wide brimmed hats that are like wedding dresses for your head.
You can see the amount of detail that goes into the design of these hats and it is clear that each one is a labor of love.
Alain currently has approximately 20 couture hats available for sale. If you hurry, you can still get a one-of-a-kind couture hat made by Alain in time for Steeplechase! Alain will be taking orders for the next two weeks. After that, well, you can still get one of Alain’s masterpieces to wear for the remainder of hat season. These hats are investments and every discerning fashionista should have at least one Alain Patterson Couture hat in her closet! Nashville fashion divas, get in line for your Steeplechase hat. Kentucky Derby ladies, better contact Alain to see if he has one you can snatch up! Palm Beach socialites, you definitely need one of Alain’s hats to wear to your next Polo function! Kate Middleton, you’re missing out! Nicole Kidman, you and Alain need to do lunch!
You can find out more about Alain and his couture designs on his website and his exclusive millinery site
It won’t be long before Alain Patterson Couture is a household name. Just remember you heard it here first!
P.S. Thank you Alain for letting me wear the hat for the photo! I felt like Eliza Doolittle at The Ascot Races and it was GRANDE!
Angela Wynne
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