At play with (PLA) Beauty Cosmetics
I had the most wonderful play date at Woo last week with Stephanie Green Bass and her (PLA) Beauty cosmetic line.
Her extremely affordable and extensive line of lip sticks, glosses, liners, eye shadows, blushes and "Cougar" bronzer completely impressed the "beauty junkie" in me!
I truly felt like a kid in a candy store!
Her foundation, mascara, primer, and concealer left me completely flawless after my make over. In fact, my 7 year old daughter even asked "Where did your wrinkles go Mommy?".
(PLA) Beauty contains paraben free, hypoallergenic products, infused with antibiotics and hydrating properties. It is an eco-friendly line with a heart of gold. Not only are the products safe and effective but they give back to the community.
Inspired by the infinite power of make up during her own life tragedy of losing her first child, the creator of (PLA) Beauty Cosmetics was created to make a lasting impression not only on your face but in the life of a child.
(PLA) Beauty partners with children's Health care of Atlanta and in Nashville with Monroe Carrell Jr. Children's Hospital at Vanderbilt. Each purchase provides a percentage of proceeds for the hospitals. It is truly "Beauty with a heart" as Stephanie Green Bass is using her talents and energy to create and give back to the community. I look forward to Stephanie eventually extending into a perfume line but for now I can't live without my 'Bella" lip gloss! And her gorgeous "No Regrets" gloss is going to be my absolute necessity for the holiday season!
All of her products have added new color and warmth to my make-up collection. The concept of giving back to a specific charity is enough for me to continue to be one of her best clients. Stephanie is returning to Nashville in a few weeks so stay tuned to Nashville Fashion Events for more info on that so you don't miss out on an opportunity to help others while making yourself beautiful!