The Next Iteration of Nashville Fashion Events
If you haven't noticed, we've been taking a much needed break these past couple of months. The slow season for fashion was upon us and we decided to conserve our energy. We did continue to post events and let people know what was going on but we didn't publish new articles or new video. If you didn't know, Nashville Fashion Events is completely funded by myself and my partner in business and girlfriend, Alicia Boswell. However, it is an expensive endeavor and we are looking for ways to at least get enough capital to expand our operations to cover and do more.
We have explored everything from advertising, sponsorship to directly charging for subscriptions. We came to the conclusion we will do a mix of all three along with some merchandising to support our cause. We will not be doing a mandatory charge for subscriptions though. Subscriptions will be optional and give you behind the scenes extras and quicker access to information. Our traffic is very high. Between Nashville Fashion Events and our sister site, Style Promenade, on a busy month we have had the combined page views of 100,000 with about 30,000 unique visitors. So, the potential is there when we really press the concrete. We have proven there is an interest in this material in Nashville.
We are also going to expand the ways you can support us and volunteer. We will offer tools to allow visitors to contribute content easily and give writers the ability to directly interact with our photographers and collaborate on coverage. Our plans also include bringing on some dedicated writers and expanding our ability to draw attention to all the amazing fashion related things that go on in Nashville.
Our original plans were to launch the new site in August - however my health became an issue and our finances couldn't support the work it would take to overhaul our websites. So, we are looking for a window to launch the new site that will match our financial capabilities at this stage. If anybody would like to support us in building out the new websites that would make it go quicker. However, if not, it may be a few months.
Our next phase is upon us and going in to our second year we have some amazing things planned. The technology we have built during this time will allow us to do things no fashion blog has attempted in the past. If you believe in us please lend your support and email us with any ideas you may have in helping us get to this new phase in our business. As always we are here to support you, Nashville. Let us know how we can be of service. My email is