NFW: Kelly Cutrone Speaks
Kelly Cutrone graced our city with her presence during Nashville Fashion Week and spoke to a packed crowd at the Belcourt Theatre. She was funny, thoughtful, and full of wisdom - not only about PR but about life in general. She was kind enough to speak to us on camera. Manny Cuevas, (the legendary local fashion designer behind the line, Wear It Out Manuel) talked to her about her thoughts on Nashville Fashion Week. Imani Ellis gets more personal with her about her parents and her father's passing. Kelly is an amazing person and we only wish we had higher quality cameras and mics with us to capture everything. The footage was taken on our handheld and is a little rugged on audio and video quality but the content is great. We picked a few of our favorite moments and bundled them in this short video. Her new book, "Normal Gets You Nowhere", comes out May 3rd. It is a must read if her talk indicates anything about the content of the upcoming book.